Levels of Remuneration for Chief Officers

1. The levels and elements of remuneration for each Chief Officer at the reporting date of 31 March 2022 are as follows. Roles marked with a star (*) are employed by South Hams District Council.

Post Salary per annum
Chief Executive* £125,150
Director of Customer Service and Delivery


Includes a special responsibility allowance of £8135 pa for carrying out the duties of Deputy Chief Executive.

Director of Place and Enterprise £79,457
Director of Governance and Assurance* £79,457
Director of Strategic Finance and Section 151 Officer £79,457
Monitoring Officer*


Including a Responsibility Allowance of 20%

Please note: All chief officers operate under a shared service agreement with South Hams District Council and all salary and associated costs are shared on an agreed basis between the two councils.

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) consists of the Chief Executive and the four Directors, but excludes the Monitoring Officer.

2. The lowest paid employee is a Corporate Business Support Officer, paid in accordance with spinal column point 6 of the National Joint Council for Local Government Services pay spine, currently £20,043 per annum.

3. The annual median salary of all employees £30,095.

4. The Chief Executive's salary is a pay multiple of 4.16 times the median earnings.

5. The Chief Executive's salary is a pay multiple of 6.24 times the lowest paid employee.