Service update - Waste collections
Due to recent bank holidays your waste and recycling collection day may have changed over the next couple of weeks.
Please check your next collection day on the link below:
24. The Hutton Report (March 2011) identified that the most appropriate way of measuring pay dispersion within an organisation is the multiple of the highest earnings to the median earnings. Tracking this multiple will ensure that the Council is accountable for the relationship between the pay of its executives and the wider workforce. Through this pay policy statement, the Council will track this multiple on an annual basis and will publish the following information on its website each year (see Appendix A):
25. Each year the published data will be reviewed by the Leader of the Council and if the multiplier between the highest and the lowest paid employee within the Council exceeds a factor of 10, a report will be presented to the Full Council for consideration.
26. For the purposes of this pay policy statement, the 'lowest paid employees' are identified as those employees carrying out a substantive role within the Council's established workforce with the lowest annual full-time equivalent salary.
27. The 'median earnings' have been identified by listing all salaries paid to employees in ascending order and finding the salary paid to the employee ranked in the middle of the list.