Members of the public may raise issues and ask questions at meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in relation to items on the agenda.
This session will last for up to fifteen minutes at the beginning of each meeting.
An issue or question may only be raised by a member of the public provided that they have given written notice by email to the Senior Specialist - Democratic Services by 5.00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the Meeting.
An issue may be rejected by the Monitoring Officer if:
- It relates to a matter within the functions of the Development Management and Licensing Committee;
- It is not about a matter for which the local authority has a responsibility or which affects the Borough;
- It is offensive, frivolous or defamatory;
- It is substantially the same as a question which has previously been put in the past six months;
- It requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information.
Agenda Item Requests
Members of the public are able to propose an agenda item for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, by completing the form below and sending it to Democratic Services. Please mark your email for the attention of Darryl White.
Submitted forms will be considered by a panel consisting of the Head of Paid Service, the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Committee within 7 days of being received. The panel will decide whether the item will be added to a future meeting agenda. You will be informed of the decision.