1.1 This document sets out the non-tolerance position held by West Devon Borough Council on fraud, corruption, and bribery.
1.2 The objectives of an Anti Fraud, Corruption, and Bribery Policy and Strategy are to:
- Provide a clear statement of the Council's position on fraud, corruption and bribery;
- Minimise the risk to the Council's good name and loss of its assets;
- Promote a culture of integrity and accountability, two of the fundamental principles of good governance, in members, staff and all those the Council does business with;
- Enhance existing procedures aimed at preventing, discouraging and detecting fraud, corruption and bribery; and
- Raise awareness of the risk of fraud, corruption and bribery being perpetrated against the Council.
1.3 In managing its responsibilities the Council is determined to protect itself against fraud and corruption both from within the authority and from outside. The Council is committed to an effective Policy and Strategy which is designed to:
- Encourage prevention;
- promote detection; and
- Identify a clear pathway for investigation.
1.4 To combat fraud, corruption and bribery the Council's Policy and Strategy is based on a series of comprehensive procedures. These procedures cover the following:
- Risk Management (paragraph 3);
- Policy Statements (paragraph 5);
- Deterrence and Prevention (paragraph 6);
- Detection, Investigation, Sanctions and Redress (paragraph 7); and
- Publicity and Training (paragraph 8).
1.5 There is an inter-relationship between the Strategy and other existing Council's policy documents. These include;
- Financial Regulations (Financial and Contract Procedure Rules), and dealing with action to be taken when irregularities or suspected irregularities arise, the Confidential Reporting (Whistle Blowing) Policy,
- Gift and Hospitality Registers for Members and Officers,
- Codes of Conduct for Members and Staff; and
- Disciplinary Procedures.
1.6 There is a separate Anti-Money Laundering Policy and related guidance and procedures.
1.7 All references to 'Members' within this document refer to both elected members and co-opted members who sit on the Standards Committee, and any other co-opted members from time to time appointed. Likewise references to 'staff' should be taken to include full and part-time staff and permanent, temporary and agency staff.
Benefits Fraud
1.8 Whilst the general principles outlined in this Strategy apply to all areas of the Council's operations, it should be noted that a specific policy document is in place in respect of the prevention and detection of benefit fraud.
1.9 This deals with the requirements of the Councils''Benefits Service and fraud investigation, and that of the equivalent in the Department for Work and Pensions, attached in the Council's Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support Fraud Prosecution and Sanction Policy (Appendix A).