Community Resilience Grant

Please note that all funding for this grant has now been allocated. 

This grant fund aims to support the resilience of community facilities, such as community and village halls, village shops, and other sites which provide a range of services to their local communities.

Priority will be given to facilities where:

  • Limited other community infrastructure exists.
  • Support will demonstrably help to improve the resilience of a facility, either through reduced bills or increased revenue.
  • Facilities will be able to provide additional services to their communities, which are not provided by other local organisations, where a demonstrable need can be shown.

Eligible Organisations

Organisations which operate community facilities will be eligible to apply for a grant.

This project will support:

  • Social enterprises and CICs
  • Charitable Organisations
  • Town/Parish Councils
  • Sports clubs/organisations

Organisations may be asked for proof of being registered to pay tax in the UK before any grant can be approved.

Due to the limited funding available, this grant will not be able to support activities relating to the development or expansion of public toilets, or car parks.

Grant Documentation