Community supported housing

Community supported housing is about giving local people a say in addressing the need for affordable housing in their area.

The West Devon Housing Offer (WDHO) is designed to provide local communities with support and resources in coming together to play a key role in creating affordable homes for the people that need them the most.

Hear what Cllr Mark Renders has to say about the project in our video.

Who can get involved?

There are several ways that community housing projects can happen, with examples including:

  • Homes can be developed or owned by a community land trust
  • Affordable self-build
  • Partnerships between the community and a housing partner. This includes a registered provider, local authority or other body.

The focus of the West Devon Housing Offer is to provide funding for groups to research and, if appropriate, formalise into an appropriate legal entity. In addition, it can provide support and funding to bring forward sites for development.

In addition to grant funding, there are various resources available to help community groups. Links to some of these are included on the resources page.


If you are interested in undertaking a community supported housing project in your area there is funding and support available.

For details please click the link below:

Funding and support


Are you interested and looking for more information?

Click the link below for useful resources and frequently asked questions regarding the WDHO.

More information