Garden waste service

We offer a garden waste subscription service which collects garden waste from your home.

One subscription provides four large, reusable sacks which are collected every fortnight on the same day of the week as your other waste collections. For new subscribers who have not used the service before, we aim to deliver your sacks within 10 working days. For existing subscribers, as long as you have renewed your subscription before your existing one expires, your service will continue without interruption. Subscriptions run from 1 April to 31 March.

Once your garden waste sacks have been delivered, you simply need to fill them and leave them at the usual point on your next scheduled collection day before 7:30 a.m. We have technology inside our vehicles which tells the crews which properties have subscribed.

Sign up or renew

Good news! Garden waste subscriptions are now open for the new subscription year with collections beginning on 1 April 2025 through to 31 March 2026

To subscribe or renew please visit the link below. The standard rate of £65 will apply to all renewals and new subscriptions.

Sign up or renew

Please make sure you subscribe before the 1 April to ensure there is no delay to your collections. 

What can I put in my garden waste sack?

Yes, please! No, thank you!
Grass cuttings Cardboard
Hedge trimmings Food
Cut flowers and plants Food packaging
Branches up to 10 cm (4 inches) in diameter Hutch sweepings
Weeds, leaves and twigs Soil or rubble

Frequently asked questions

Select the options below to find answers to commonly asked questions about the garden waste service.

Frequently asked questions - Garden waste

Why has the price of a garden waste subscription increased?

The price has increased to cover the increasing costs of the sacks, fuel, vehicle repair and maintenance and staffing. Our garden waste collection service is not a statutory service we are obliged to provide, so rising costs to provide the service must be met in the subscription fee. We keep costs as low as we possibly can to ensure subscribers get value for money when compared to equivalent private contractor collections.

What does a garden waste subscription cover?

A subscription covers a year-long garden waste collection service for four green waste garden sacks.

What can I put in my garden waste sacks?

You can put grass cuttings, hedge trimmings, cut flowers and plants, branches up to ten cm in diameter, and weeds, leaves and twigs in your garden waste sacks.

What shouldn’t I put in my sacks?

You should not put cardboard, food, food packaging, hutch sweepings, soil, rubble, bags or twine in your sacks.

Have the sacks changed in size this year?

No, the sacks have not changed in size.

What should I do with my garden waste if I don’t want to sign up?

You can take your garden waste to both household recycling centres in West Devon. Full details including opening hours are available online.

You can also compost your waste at home.