Viewing map details

To view information on the map, you need to switch on the feature that you're interested in.

Click on the menu icon in the top left of the screen - it looks like three white lines stacked on top of each other. 

A menu will appear with

  • map features,
  • zoom to coordinates and
  • mobile options. 

Click on map features to view the list of available information. 

Feature Information Included
Address Points Live

This identifies whether properties are residential, commercial, mixed use etc.

All Planning History

This will identify all the planning applications held for land or premises, shown as red polygons that relate to the planning application.

Right-clicking the polygon will bring up a list of the planning applications, the site address and a link to view the planning application on our system.

Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

This will show whether an area lies in the Tamar Valley AONB or outside it.

Conservation Areas

This will show whether an address lies in a designated conservation area or not. You can find more details about the individual conservation areas here.

Joint Local Plan

Plymouth Policy Area

Heritage Coast

Primary Shopping Areas

Public Open Space, Sport and Recreation

Shopping frontage

Thriving Towns and Villages Allocations

Undeveloped Coast

These layers show the various designations in the Joint Local Plan, and whether areas or properties are designated within the plan. 

For more information about the Joint Local Plan, please see the details on our website.

Local Authority Areas

This will identify whether an area is within West Devon, South Hams or Plymouth City Council areas.

Neighbourhood Plan by Status

This layer shows whether a neighbourhood plan is in place, or if one has been prepared but not yet voted on.

Parish with contact details

This layer shows which parish an area or property lies in. If you right-click the shaded area, a box with a link to contact details for the relevant Parish Clerk will appear.

Sites of Special Scientific Interest

If a site or property sits within a Site of Special Scientific Interest.

Tree Preservation Orders

This layer shows Tree Preservation Orders. Click on the polygons to see the the reference numbers. "Show more" will give the species of tree and the date the TPO was applied.

Ward information

This will show the Borough Council wards that an address or site sits within.

Critical Drainage Areas

This will show whether an address or site lies within a Critical Drainage Area (CDA).