What should I include in my comments?
Comments should:
- Be a material planning consideration for the application,
- Support/agree to the application or;
- Object to the application.
When commenting on planning applications, please remember that the council can only take into account material planning considerations.
This list is not exhaustive but it gives an idea of the sort of things that would be classed as a material planning consideration.
- Car parking provision.
- Design, including appearance, layout, scale, density and materials.
- Highway safety issues and/or traffic generation.
- Impact on important trees.
- Impact on the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or a Listed Building.
- Local drainage or flooding issues.
- Planning policies and guidance.
- Loss of important open spaces or community facilities.
- Noise disturbance, smells, obtrusive lighting or other impacts on amenity.
- Overdominance, overshadowing and loss of light.
- Proposed landscaping.
- The planning history of a site.