- All representations and responses received are reviewed by the Case Officer alongside relevant planning polices and guidance before a decision is made.
- As a result of comments, the Case Officer may request further details from the applicant/agent or may re-advertise and/or re-consult appropriate bodies.
- You will be able to check the progress of the application online, but you will not receive an individual response to any questions or be informed of any decision. If you wish to ask the determining officer a specific question, please ask a question about a current application.
- Most applications are dealt with under delegated powers, where the decision is made by an officer following a full assessment and any necessary consultation with the Ward Member(s).
- However, some applications will be referred to the Development Management (DM) Committee. You will be informed if the application is referred to Committee, where you may have the opportunity to speak.
Public Participation at Development Management Committee Meetings
You will be informed of any appeals following decision.
Remember, while we try to consider all comments received up to the date of decision, we cannot guarantee that comments received after the public consultation period will be considered.
Alternatively, using the guidance above, post your comments to any of the Council Offices. Please make sure that you quote the correct planning reference. Make sure you include your name and full address including postcode in any correspondence.
We are unable to enter into correspondence with you as a result of the letter of representation and will not send acknowledgements to signatories of petitions or standardised letters.