Use the button below to open the planning register. If you right-click the button and select "open in a new browser window/tab," you can keep these instructions open to help you.
If you know the application number, you can search using this in the first box. If you don't, please use the second box to search using part of the address or the postcode.
The advanced search allows you to search with more details - such as the date the application was registered, or the parish. You can also search by whether it is a planning application, appeal or TPO.
From the search results page, you will see a table showing matching results for the search. The table shows the application number, the location, a brief description of the proposal and the status - whether the application has been decided or is under consideration.
Click on the application number to view the full details of the application.
To comment on the application, click the link at the top of the page that reads "Make comments on this application."
Complete the form with your name, address, email and your comments. You will need to select whether you support or object to the application using the drop-down box. If you are neutral about the application, select "comment" from this box.
You can attach files such as PDFs and pictures. The maximum permitted file size is 5 MB.
Please make sure you have checked the box confirming you have read the terms and conditions.
Once you have submitted your comments, they should appear on the application within 3-5 working days. For applications with a high volume of comments, this may take a little longer. You will receive an automated email confirming your comments have been received. Please check your spam or junk folder if you cannot see this.