Viability Assessment
Required for any development where :
- Affordable housing is not policy compliant
- Where the development fails to provide other necessary infrastructure contributions
- Rural exceptions sites
If any application does not offer the level of affordable housing set out in the JLP, a viability assessment is required. This should demonstrate that a policy compliant scheme would render the development unviable.
For rural exceptions sites, the assessment should demonstrate the development provides the minimum level of cross subsidy from open market units.
It will be helpful in determining the application if the format of the viability assessment has been agreed with the Council in advance of submission.
Unless there is commercially sensitive information, we will publish un-redacted viability assessment as part of the online planning file in accordance with government guidance.
We reserve the right to appoint an independent assessor to scrutinise any assessment. The applicant is expected to cover the costs of this.
In line with Government guidance, we will publish the Assessment online with the planning file.