Vacant Building Credit

Required for developments where vacant building are being demolished and 5 or more dwellings constructed, and vacant building credit for Affordable Housing is being claimed.


Vacant Building Credit (VBC) was introduced with the aim of stimulating the re-development of brownfield sites. It offers a financial credit based of the existing gross internal floor area of the vacant building to the development site. It does not apply to a building that has been deemed abandoned.

To apply for Vacant Building Credit a statement must be submitted  which provides:

  • Evidence that any referenced building is a 'Vacant Building'. A 'Vacant Building' is a building that has not been in use for three years.
  • Evidence a building on site is not an 'Abandoned Building' or vacated solely for the purpose of redevelopment. The council will take into account all of the following:
    • The physical condition of the building
    • The length of time that the building has not been used
    • Whether it had been used for any other purpose
    • Evidence of the owners intentions

Layout Plans showing the footprint and Gross Internal Floor Area (GIFA) of the existing building are required along with floor plans of the proposed development showing GIFA.

The NPPF specifically excludes 'land that is or was last occupied by agricultural or forestry buildings' and buildings in residential use cannot be used for VBC for the purposes of affordable housing.

Useful Links

Gov.UK guidance - Vacant Building Credit