Transport Statement, Transport Assessment and Travel Plans
Required for:
- Schemes with significant transport implications;
- Major applications resulting in traffic generation;
- Development of land resulting in a material increase or significant change of traffic using existing rail infrastructure (particularly level crossings) or require rail improvements.
All applications with traffic generating uses in rural areas will require a Sustainable Travel Plan e.g. new employment uses, new tourism accommodation. We have produced a template to assist with this.
Where a Transport Assessment (TA) is required, the coverage and detail of the TA should reflect the scale of the development and the extent of the transport implications of the proposal. For major proposals, the TA should illustrate accessibility to the site by all modes of transport, and the likely modal split of journeys to and from the site. It should also give details of proposed measures to improve access by public transport, walking and cycling, to reduce the need for parking associated with the proposal, and to mitigate transport impacts.
A Travel Plan (TP) is also required outlining the way in which the transport implications of the new development will be managed in order to ensure the minimum environmental, social and economic impacts.
For schemes with relatively small transport impacts, a Transport Statement can be submitted instead of the TA/TP. This should outline the transport aspects of the application, assessing the existing and proposed conditions. However it does not need the detailed analysis of impact on the wider network.
Where a Transport Assessment or Transport Statement is submitted it must include Annual Average Daily Traffic flow (AADT) as well as peaks.
Information to be submitted should be agreed in advance as part of pre-application discussions.