Plans and Drawings
Plans Required
- Existing and Proposed Elevations
- All applications proposing new buildings, replacements, extensions or alterations to the exterior of an existing building (including replacement windows and doors)
- Existing and Proposed Floor Plans
- Proposal involving new or amended floor space including alterations to an existing building
- Roof Plans
- Proposals involving more complex roof design or alterations to a roof
- Finished Floor Levels (FFL)
- All new buildings or floor space
- Existing and Proposed Site Levels
- Any proposal involving new buildings or floor space and any groundworks e.g. access tracks, hard surfaced areas etc where levels will change.
- Development on a sloping site, uneven land, adjacent to land at a different level or where a change in levels is proposed.
- Existing and Proposed Sections
- All major development and any proposal where cut and fill operations are proposed, proposals on sloping or uneven land or sites where immediately adjoining land is on a different level.
- Plans General
- It can be helpful to aid understanding to include measurements on drawings
Elevations must be:
- Provided at a metric scale usually 1:50 or 1:100
- Must show all elevations affected in full, including any blank elevations (unless completely obscured by being attached to another building).
- Must match relevant existing/proposed floor plans
- Be clearly labelled e.g. north, west etc. or north point indicated. We will not accept front, back, side etc.
Where a proposed elevation adjoins/is in close proximity to another building the relationship between the two building should be shown and detail the positions of any openings in each property.
Floor plans
Floor plans must be:
- Provided at a metric scale, usually 1:50 or 1:100
- Proposed floor plans should be provided where any alterations/extensions are proposed
- Must match relevant existing/proposed elevations
- Show the entire floor area for the existing building as well as the proposed development
- Show any areas of demolition
Please label rooms.
Existing and proposed roof plans must be provided at a metric scale usually 1:50 or 1:10.
Finished floor levels
This information can be shown on the site layout plan or block plan and must be shown relative to a fixed and identifiable datum point (AOD) which is identified on the plan.
The datum point must not be taken from any structures which are to be demolished or can be moved.
Existing and proposed site levels
This information can be shown on the existing and proposed site layout plan or block plan and must be shown relative to a fixed and identifiable datum point which is identified on the plan.
The datum point must not be taken from any structures which are to be demolished or can be moved.
Offsite levels of land and buildings immediately adjoining the site are also useful.
Existing and Proposed Sections
Existing and Proposed Sections must:
- Identify floor levels and ridge levels of buildings
- Identify existing and proposed site levels
- Show sections/slices through the site extending beyond the site boundary to show how proposals relate to surrounding buildings, surface features, vegetation and topography and how they fit into the landscape/townscape context
- Be accompanied by a plan showing the points between which the cross-section has been taken
All plans must meet the following requirements:
- To be drawn to a recognised metric scale
- Have a scale bar so that the scale can be checked for accuracy
- Submitted in an identified A2, A3 or A4 format; preferably a maximum of A3 to assist when viewing online
- Be of a quality and resolution that is clear and legible when viewed online
- Be submitted as a PDF, correctly orientated for on-screen display
- Plans submitted electronically must be uploaded with the correct orientation and at the scale indicated on the plan
- Include surrounding properties and where relates to a semi-detached dwelling, include the adjoining property
- Numbered individually, named and titled in a logical manner, reflecting their content
- Marked 'indicative' where details are not being agreed as part of the application
- Elevations labelled North, South, East, West (we will not accept side, front, or back)
- 'Do not scale' should be removed and replaced with 'Do not scale for construction purposes' if necessary
We are unable to accept plans which are taken from the Council's Mapping web pages i.e. anything with the Council watermark or the licence number across the bottom.
Where an Ordnance Survey based plan is being submitted for planning purposes the copyright and licence number must be shown.