Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment (OSSR)
Required for all major applications and any application for 5 or more dwellings:
Where the proposal includes loss of OSSR, the statement must:
- demonstrate that one of the following tests is satisfied:
- Test one - the open space is surplus to requirements;
- Test two - the loss will be replaced by equivalent or better provision in a suitable location; or
- Test three - the development is for alternative sports and recreation provision, the needs for which clearly outweigh the loss
- Assess harm to character and openness of local area
- Assess whether there is existing excess of provision locally and demonstrate how there will be no shortfall in the plan period
- Demonstrate how the community will gain greater benefit from the provision of suitable alternative OSSR areas nearby
And/ or where the development consists of ten or more dwellings.
Also refer to Sport Facilities section.
OSSR assessments set out how existing OSSR will be affected by the development proposal and/or where new OSSR provision is triggered by development. These statements can be integrated into the Planning Statement or Design and Access Statements.
In both LPA areas, this element of the statement must provide initial details of proposed on site facilities (and the measures for long term maintenance and management). It should also include proposed arrangements for off-site financial contributions to new or improved facilities related to the development.
Please refer to the SPD (sections DEV4 and DEV27.3) for detailed guidance on provision of playing pitches and accessible green and play spaces respectively. The Developer Contributions Evidence Base provides guidance on the thresholds for on and off-site provision and calculation of likely contributions,
Please refer to the SPD (sections DEV4 and DEV27.2 for detailed guidance regarding proposals resulting in the loss of playing pitches and open space (including further consideration of the three tests) respectively.
Re-development of existing playing pitches will only be acceptable where the proposed development meets the five exceptions outlined in Sport England's Playing Fields Policy and Guidance.