Service update - Waste collections
Due to recent bank holidays your waste and recycling collection day may have changed over the next couple of weeks.
Please check your next collection day on the link below:
Required where:
All planning and reserved matter applications that raise issues of disturbance or are considered to be a noise-sensitive development will need to be supported by a Noise Impact Assessment. This must be undertaken by a suitably competent and qualified acoustician. It must include:
Where appropriate the assessment shall be carried out in accordance with current British Standards, for example BS4142:2014, BS8233:2014, and BS5228:1997.
The aim of an assessment is to identify measures which will eliminate or minimise potential noise impacts. This can be achieved by design, orientation and mitigation rather than by recommending a reliance on planning conditions. Reference must be made to current national standards and planning guidance in order to achieve acceptable noise climates within living and amenity spaces.
Where noise is likely to be an issue, applicants are advised to contact the Council's Environmental Health team prior to the submission of a planning application
Noise Impact Assessments must have regard to the following guidance where applicable to the development: