Habitat Regulation Assessment and Appropriate Assessment/Mitigation
Required for:
- Any development affecting a European designated site or European protected species;
- All residential development and tourist accommodation within 12 km zone of influence of the Plymouth Sound and Tamar Estuaries Marine Protected Area (Tamar EMS).
This includes changes of use to residential and tourist accommodation annexes.
Sufficient information (surveys, reports, mitigation) must be submitted with the application to enable a HRA/AA to be carried out.
For the Tamar EMS, the potential harm from recreational disturbance arising from these proposals has been assessed. An Appropriate Assessment (AA) should be submitted to mitigate potential harm.
Where the only potential harm is from recreational disturbance, Natural England agree that mitigation can be met by a specified financial contribution to a Strategic Mitigation Plan. Otherwise a full AA and mitigation strategy will be required for each proposal.
The standard Unilateral Undertaking (and fee) is required where this is the only matter needing to be secured by legal agreement.
Please note, we will require a completed Unilateral Undertaking before we can issue your decision where it is approved.