Agricultural Appraisal (including SCAIL)
Required for:
- All applications seeking new agricultural, forestry or other rural occupational dwellings or other buildings in the countryside for agricultural purposes.
- Should be proportionate to the scale of development proposed.
The statement should be prepared by an independent specialist with expert knowledge of the rural business in question which includes the following information:
- Three years of accounts (for a dwelling). In the case of applications for temporary dwellings (which will be appropriate where the business enterprise is new and evolving), financial evidence to show that the business has been planned on a sound financial basis.
- Justification for requiring the dwelling/building
- Demonstration the need cannot be met by a building elsewhere
- Description of the business and how it operates
- Plans to show the extent of the operational land and buildings
We reserve the right for Assessments to be reviewed for need and viability by an independent Agricultural Consultant as part of the application process.
Agricultural development meeting a trigger within a SSSI Risk Zone as defined by DEFRA Magic Mapping for:
- An agricultural building to house livestock (primarily beef and dairy cattle, pigs or poultry); and/or
- Any new or expanded pit, tank or lagoon for storing slurry;
- Any anaerobic digester; and/or
- Any combustion plant,
Must be accompanied by a Simple Calculation of Atmospheric Impact Limits (SCAIL) assessment. We advise you enter into pre-application discussions with Natural England for such developments.