Service update - Waste collections
Due to recent bank holidays your waste and recycling collection day may have changed over the next couple of weeks.
Please check your next collection day on the link below:
Required for:
An Affordable Housing Statement should set out how the scheme will comply with the Affordable Housing policy in the adopted JLP 2014 - 2034 and SPD
Any departure from policy should be explained in the statement and cross-referenced to a viability report (which will be published online with the planning file).
The Affordable Housing Statement may be included as a section in the Planning Statement but should in any event address the following:
1. Outline and Full Applications
Financial contributions for off-site provision (in exceptional circumstances where on-site provision is proven unsuitable) will depend on the location. Transfer prices from Affordable Housing Providers (AHPs) will be used to calculate the sum.
Heads of Terms in relation to affordable housing should be submitted with any planning application.
2. Full and Reserved Matters Applications
The Affordable Housing Statement should include/reference:
Data from housing needs surveys and the Devon Home Choice (DHC) register may be used. However the enabling team reserve the right to request a full housing needs survey, the cost of which will need to be commissioned by the applicant.
The affordable housing targets set out in the JLP are based on viability testing; the true scope of affordable housing need is much greater. The LPA Housing Enabling service can provide up-to-date information on the DHC identified need of property size and tenure requirements.
4. Fixtures and Fittings
Some AHPs have standard packages of white goods which have implications for layouts of kitchens/utilities. Early engagement with AHPs and selection of delivery partner will enable identification of any potential issues
5. Affordable Dwelling Size