Find out which documents could be required to validate your planning application.
Not all documents listed will be required for all applications. For instance, if your application is not within the AONB, you will not require an AONB Statement of Need, or if your application does not affect a heritage asset or its setting, you will not need a heritage statement.
You should check each link and decide if it is applicable to your application.
For technical details consent after PiP, the requirements are the same as those for an application for full planning permission. An application for technical details consent follows the same validation process as a full application. It should be submitted on a full application form, making reference to the Permission in Principle in the proposal. The red line site boundary must match.
Fully completed application form, noting non-completion of all required check fields will result in non-validation
When S8.1 & 8.2 are ticked as yes there is a strict requirement for the applicable additional supporting information to be submitted by a person competent in the relevant professional competency. This should be an Arboriculturist, drainage or structural engineer unless the tree/s are clearly dead. If this is the case this can be substantiated by photographic evidence by a non-expert with supporting commentary.
Clearly legible plan showing -
Boundaries and adjoining properties with their names or numbers
Clear depiction of the tree's relationship to the subject property (if any) and/ or other fixed features to allow ease of understanding for public consultation
Name of closest public highway annotated on plan.
Prepared to give clear location of each tree, trees, tree group or woodland, or combination of all within the context of the plan and relationship to fixed features and boundaries
Inclusion of a North arrow where possible
All trees, groups and woodlands to be clearly marked E.g. T1, T2, G1, G2, W1, W2 etc.
Tree Works in a Conservation Area
You will need to submit:
Fully completed application form, noting non-completion of all required check fields will result in non-validation.
Clearly legible plan showing -
Boundaries and adjoining properties with their names or numbers
Clear depiction of the tree's relationship to the subject property (if any) and/ or other fixed features to allow ease of understanding for public consultation
Name of closest public highway annotated on plan
Prepared to give clear location of each tree, trees, tree group or woodland, or combination of all within the context of the plan and relationship to fixed features
Inclusion of a North arrow where possible.
All trees, groups and woodlands to be clearly marked E.g. T1, T2, G1, G2, W1, W2 etc
5-Day Felling Notice
You will need to submit:
Completed application form
Supporting statement/ report from a person competent in arboriculture
Clearly legible plan showing -
Boundaries and adjoining properties with their names or numbers
Clear depiction of the tree's relationship to the subject property (if any) and/ or other fixed features to allow ease of understanding for public consultation
Name of closest public highway annotated on plan.
Prepared to give clear location of each tree, trees, tree group or woodland, or combination of all within the context of the plan and relationship to fixed features