Amend Existing Planning Permission

If you need to make changes to development proposals after planning permission has been granted, you can apply for a non-material amendment.

After planning permission has been granted the approved proposals/details may need to be modified. Where these modifications are minor and insignificant (non-material), an amendment under S96a condition may be appropriate.

There is no statutory definition of 'non-material'. This is because it will be dependent on the context of the overall scheme - an amendment that is non-material in one context may be material in another. The LPA must be satisfied that the amendment sought is non-material in order to grant an application under section 96A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

The procedure cannot be used to make non-material amendments to listed building consents.

The applicant must notify anyone who is an owner of the land which would be affected by the non-material amendment or, where the land comprises an agricultural holding, the tenant of that holding.

We will not accept s96A applications where:

  • It adversely affects neighbouring properties or relates to elements that representations were made against
  • Is contrary to policy
  • Falls outside the scope of the original permission
  • Conflicts with any conditions or requires new conditions to make it acceptable
  • Extends the site boundary/red line
  • Introduces new works which in themselves require planning permission

For more information, please see Special Application Types. You can apply online at the Planning Portal.