
Designated: 22 July 2013

Walkhampton Conservation Area

Please note, this Conservation Area lies within Dartmoor National Park. Please contact them for planning advice and information.

The conservation area boundary runs along the Horrabridge road westwards from the junction with the Harrowbeer road to include Knowle Farm and returns along the brook to a hedge junction at SX5309 6982 where it turns north east to enclose the "leat field." It turns southwards for c.45 m until meeting a hedge junction where it turns north to enclose the site of the School buildings.

At the junction with the Huckworthy Bridge road it runs south east to a junction with a wooded field access track where it then turns north alongside a short track and further continues north east along old field hedges to include the fields running up to the Parish Church group. The boundary then takes in the Ward House site to the north west of the Church group and at meeting the access track turns south east along it until meeting the crossroads with the lane towards Horseyeatt. 

Turning south west towards Walkhampton it continues until meeting a wooded hedge line at SX5358 6985 opposite a field building where it turns south east towards and past the Coach House of the Old Rectory to include those two sites. On meeting Black Brook the boundary turns south west and follows along it towards the village for some 260 m. At the junction with the north east boundary of the Blackbrook Close houses it turns south east along it to take in the whole Close. At the corner of no. 6 Blackbrook Close it turns west along a ditch line for c.70 m until meeting the boundary of "The Smithy" which it then directly encloses, meeting the Dousland road at SX5336 6960. Here it turns northerly along the roadside for c.12 m turning south west across the roadway at the end of "The Smithy" frontage. It continues south westerly alongside and including the Old Chapel and "Le Joli Coin."

It excludes the Kings Tor development,  but encloses Applegarth and its garden boundary. It then crosses the Harrowbeer road and returning northwards to the junction with the Horrabridge road.

View Dartmoor National Park Conservation Appraisal Area