
Designated: 8 February 1974

Throwleigh Conservation Area

Please note, this Conservation Area lies within Dartmoor National Park. Please contact them for planning advice and information.

The Conservation Area at Throwleigh includes the whole includes the whole of the centre of the village. It extends as far south as O.S. Plot 6962; west as far as the western boundary of the Churchyard; north as far as O.S. Plots 3180, 8479, 8979; and east as far as Throwleigh Barton. 

Amended: 13 November 2010

A general re-drawing of the eastern boundary of the conservation area between the properties known as Meadowsyde and Forge Cottage with minor inclusions and exclusions. Exclusions relate to the original conservation area designated in 1974.

View Dartmoor National Park Conservation Appraisal Area