The profound effects of £1million of funding are being felt across West Devon, with businesses and community programmes within the borough benefitting within a year of the money being secured.
Difficulties finding affordable housing, the increasing cost of living, the new transport hub in Okehampton and supporting business to adapt to the climate crisis - just some of the challenges and opportunities facing West Devon.
West Devon Borough Council is doing everything it can to support those in the area who are leaving care, to make sure they can prosper and live the lives that they want to live.
A huge project to improve cricket facilities at one of West Devon’s biggest clubs will see the club continue to offer sporting opportunities to an ever-growing number of people living in the borough.
A Council Tax Reduction Scheme consultation for 2024/25 has been agreed to be held by West Devon Borough Council at its Hub Committee meeting on 19 September.
We're flying a Pride flag proudly outside our offices, to show support for this weekend's Tavistock Pride event and for the entire LGBTQ+ community across the Borough.