Make a Licensing Representation

Alternatives to making a representation

If you do not want to make your own representation, then you may wish to consider approaching a representative who may consent to make the representation on your behalf. For example, you may wish to ask a local Councillor or any other recognised body or association. If you are unsure about whom you can approach in your area, please contact the Licensing Team - we will be happy to offer advice.

If your chosen representative is willing to act on your behalf, you must submit a letter of authorisation to the Licensing Department as part of your representation. You must provide your chosen representative with your name, address and details of the grounds upon which your representation is made. They should then submit written representation to the Licensing Authority replicating the grounds upon which your representation is made.

Please note that all future dialogue and correspondence will be held with your representative, and the Licensing Authority will not be in a position to make direct contact with you. Consequently, the Notice of Hearing and any decision notice will also be sent to your representative.