Licensing and Environmental Health Fees

Information on annual fees for all types of licences issued by the Council.

Select a licence type from the list below to view annual fees.

Environmental Health and Licensing Fees

Type of Licence Cost
Standard Licence 420.84
Home dog boarding 332.04
Each additional licensable activity 149.46
Rescore visit 144.00
Variation 50.00
Vets' fees and expenses Actual cost

Type of Licence Cost
Initial (boatman) £105.00
Renewal (boatman) £35.00
Assistant (boatman) £35.00
SW Category 1 Hire Boats £49.00
SW Category 5 DTp Passenger Boats Exempt (on production of current relevant DTp certification)


Street collections and house-to-house - no charge


No charge

Type of Licence Cost
Licence fee (initial and renewal) 472.80
Vets' fees and expenses Actual Cost


Type of Licence Cost
Per film £123.60
Per festival £618.00

Type of Licence Cost
Initial 180.00
Renewal 75.00
Amendment to existing certificate (plus renewal fee) 22.00

Service Cost
Food Hygiene Score Revisit Inspection Fee £156.00 per visit
Food Hygiene Advice Visit £156.00 first hour,
£78.00 per hour thereafter
Safer Food Better Business Pack £36.00 for the Catering SFBB Pack plus a year's diary. £12.00 for a year's diary

Service Cost
Food Premises Register - copy of entries Actual cost
Food Premises Register - full copy £364.80
Food Premises Register - part copy £123.60
Food Premises Registration No fee
Food Safety - Issue of Unfit Food Certificate £121.20

Licences issued under the Gambling Act 2005 Notes Fee
Adult Gaming Centre Premises


Annual fee



Reinstatement of licence

Provisional statement

Change of circumstances

Copy of licence









Bingo Premises


Annual fee



Reinstatement of licence

Provisional statement

Change of circumstances

Copy of licence









Betting Premises Other i.e. Betting Office


Annual fee



Reinstatement of licence

Provisional statement

Change of circumstances

Copy of licence









Family Entertainment Centre Premises Licence


Annual fee



Reinstatement of licence

Provisional statement

Change of circumstances

Copy of licence









Small Society Lottery





Temporary Use Notice   £500.00
Occasional Use Notice   Free
Prize Gaming Permit and Family Entertainment Centre

Gaming Machine Permit


Application (existing operator)


Change of name

Copy of permit






Club Gaming or Machine Permit


Application (existing operator)

Application (Club Premises Certificate)


Renewal (Club Premises Certificate)

Annual fee


Copy of permit









Gaming Machine Permit on premises holding on-premises

alcohol licence

Application (over 2 machines) - existing

Application (over 2 machines) - new



Annual fee

Change of name

Notification to provide up to 2 machines

Copy of Permit









Type of Licence Cost
Hackney Carriage Vehicle £193.00
Private Hire Vehicle £170.00
Electric Vehicles £24.00
Driving Licence Renewal (1 Year) £150.00
Driving Licence initial application fee £150.00
Knowledge Test £50.00
DBS £72.00
Driving Licence Renewal (3 Years) £312.00
Replacement Plate £24.00
Transfer of ownership of vehicle £60.00
Operator Licence (Private Hire Only) 1 Year £150.00
Operator Licence (Private Hire Only) 5 Years £500.00
Replacement Driver's Badge £18.00

Type of Licence Cost
New Applications (new properties/change of ownership) £372.00
Depositing site rules with the Local Authority £79.00

Licence or service Cost
New Applications (new properties/change of ownership) £446.40
Renewals (every 5 years) £446.40
Fit and Proper £144.00
Housing Act Enforcement Notice Fee £49.20 per hour
Housing Suitability - Immigration Inspection Certificates £96.00
Inspection and report on Housing Conditions under the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 £360.00
Housing Suitability - Charge for Court appearance by inspecting officer £49.20 per hour
Depositing site rules with the Local Authority £94.80


Licence or service Cost
New Personal Licence £37.00
Replacement Personal Licence £10.50

New and full variation applications

Band - Non-Domestic Rateable Value Application Fee Annual Fee
A (£0 - £4,300) £100.00 £70.00
B (£4,301 - £33,000) £190.00 £180.00
C (£33,001 - £87,000) £315.00 £295.00
D (£87,001 - £125,000) £450.00 £320.00
E (£125,001 +) £635.00 £350.00

* A multiplier is applied to premises in bands D and E, where they are exclusive or primarily in the business of supplying alcohol for consumption on the premises (mainly large town and city centre pubs):

Band D (x2) E (x3)
*Application Fee £900.00 £1,905.00
*Annual Fee £640.00 £1,050.00

Club premises are not subject to these multipliers. There are additional fees for premises licence applications, and the annual fee for exceptionally large scale events (5,000+), unless certain conditions apply.

Additional Fees

Number in attendance at any one time Additional premises licence fee Additional annual fee payable in applicable
5,000 - 9,999 £1,000.00 £500.00
10,000 - 14,999 £2,000.00 £1,000.00
15,000 - 19,999 £4,000.00 £2,000.00
20,000 - 29,999 £8,000.00 £4,000.00
30,000 - 39,999 £16,000.00 £8,000.00
40,000 - 49,999 £24,000.00 £12,000.00
50,000 - 59,999 £32,000.00 £16,000.00
60,000 - 69,999 £40,000.00 £20,000.00

Other Fees

Other licences and changes to licences Fee
Grant or renewal of personal licence £37.00
Temporary event notice £21.00
Theft, loss, etc. of premises licence or summary £10.50
Application for a provisional statement where a premises being built etc £315.00
Notification of change of name or address £10.50
Application to vary licence to specify individual as premises supervisor £23.00
Application for transfer of premises licence £23.00
Interim authority notice following death etc. of licence holder £23.00
Theft, loss etc. of certificate or summary £10.50
Notification of change of name or alteration of rules of club £10.50
Change of relevant registered address of club £10.50
Theft, loss etc. of temporary event notice £10.50
Theft, loss etc. of personal licence £10.50
Duty to notify change of name or address £10.50
Right of freeholder etc. to be notified of licensing matters £21.00
Minor variation £89.00

Service Cost
Private Water Supply Sampling Fee £82.68
Sample Failure investigation £120.00
Risk Assessment £228.96 per risk assessment


Licence Cost
Annual Fee (£13 per pitch with a minimum of 5 pitches) £78.00
Transfer of Licence £120.00
Standard Amendment £240.00
Site Expansion Amendment (Standard Amendment fee plus £12 per pitch) £240.00 (+£12 per pitch)
Initial Licence (5-pitch site plus £10 per pitch thereafter) £240.00
Replacement Licence (due to loss) £12.60
Deposit of Site Rules £92.40
Service of Enforcement Notices £48.00 (per hour)
Fit and Proper  £144.00


Type of Licence Cost
Grant of a Site Licence £222.00
Renewal of a Site Licence £160.80
Transfer from a Site to a Collector Licence £92.40
Grant of a Collector Licence £160.80
Renewal of a Collector Licence £105.60
Transfer from a Collector to a Site Licence £98.40
Change of Licence Holder's details £19.20
Change of Licensed site £98.40
Change of Site Manager £52.80

Type of Licence Cost
New Application £5,520.00
Annual Renewal Fee £540.00
Transfer or Variation £1,560.00
Plus Premises Licence/Club Premises certificate Statutory Cost

Type of Licence Cost
Skin piercing - registration of person £138.00
Skin piercing - registration of premises £138.00
Skin piercing - adding additional activity £50.00

Type of Licence Cost
Initial Registration (lotteries) £40.00
Renewal £20.00



Type of Licence Cost
Grant of licence (valid for 4 years) £1,328.40
Renewal of licence (valid for 6 years) £1,623.60
Transfer of licence £444.00
Partially Exempt Premises 100% of Above fees
Vet Inspection Actual Cost