60 Day Campsites

From 26 July 2023, campsites can accommodate up to 50 tents, motorhomes or campervans for 60 days per calendar year under 'Class BC' permitted development rights. 

No more than 50 pitches are permitted on the land at any one time. The amendment also does not allow for the siting of any caravan except when used as a motor vehicle designed or adapted for human habitation (e.g. motorhomes and campervans only).

You must notify our planning department in writing before you use your land for this purpose. Where the site is within Flood Zone 2 or 3, prior approval is required from our planning department before commencement of development in each calendar year.

Alternatively, until 25 July 2024, land can still be used to site an unlimited number of tents for up to 28 days per calendar year without requiring planning permission.

Should you solely wish to accommodate tents on site, you will only require a licence if the site is operating:

  • for more than 42 days consecutively or
  • more than 60 days in total in any 12 consecutive months

If you wish to accommodate campervans/motorhomes in addition to any tents on site, or if you solely wish to accommodate campervans/motorhomes on your land, you will need to apply for a caravan site licence. 

Please notify our planning department if you wish to use your land as a recreational campsite for up to 60 days before submitting a licence application. 

If you are on a private water supply, please follow the guidance here.

Further information relating to the amendment to permitted development rights and temporary recreational campsites.