Help to reduce fuel bills

ECO Local Flexibility Funding - ECO4

Under the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Help to Heat local flexible eligibility, energy suppliers/installers will be able to offer grants.

To do this, suppliers and installers use the Council's Statement of Intent to determine householder eligibility, and in turn install energy saving measures in households declared eligible by the Council.

The Council does not provide the funding, it is provided by energy companies. The Council's role is solely to determine household eligibility for ECO4 against the Statement of Intent.  

The Council has no contracts with any suppliers and installers and does not endorse any particular company. The working relationship and any contracts signed are solely between the resident and the installer. It is recommended that the resident check installer credentials.

ECO4 Eligibility

  • The combined gross (before tax) annual income of the household is below £31,000. You will be asked to provide evidence of this.
  • EPC rating of D or below. Check yours here:

To access this grant, the resident needs to contact the installer(s) to determine if they may qualify for funding, before proceeding to a survey of their home. No funding is guaranteed until all surveys and eligibility checks are completed, which satisfy all grant considerations.

Please visit ECO4 Installers to see a list of installers who have confirmed that they are delivering on ECO4.

You can download the Statement of Intent below: