Disabled Relocation Grants

If you are disabled and an Occupational Therapist has assessed your current home as not reasonable or practical to adapt, then you may be able to apply for a Relocation Grant.

This would enable you to continue to live independently by moving to a property more suited to your needs. Remember, this grant is means-tested.

Who is this grant for?

In some circumstances, your existing home may need to be adapted to meet your needs (as assessed by your Occupational Therapist). However the adaptations that are needed may not be considered reasonable and practical for a Disabled Facilities Grant. In this situation you may qualify for a Relocation Grant instead.

What will the grant pay for?

The grant is intended to be used for reasonable moving costs - legal fees, stamp duty, estate agent fees and removal costs.

The maximum amount of grant payable is £10,000.

Will I qualify?

There are some requirements to qualify for this grant.

As this grant is means-tested, your financial situation will also be assessed to see if you qualify.

  • You must have a Statement of Need from the Occupational Therapist, recommending that adaptations are needed to help you live safely in your home.
  • The proposed adaptation at your existing home must have been assessed by us, but been judged as not being reasonable and practicable because of the costs and extent of works involved.
  • Your new home does not need adapting for your needs, or the cost of adapting it for you, plus the reasonable moving costs, will be less than adapting your existing home. 
    • We will require a report from your Occupational Therapist that states either the property doesn’t require any adaptations or the adaptations that will be needed.  

Important - Applications for a relocation grant must be made at least 6 weeks prior to a proposed moving date, to allow time to assess the application and supporting evidence.

For any questions or more information please contact the Disabled Facilities Grant Team.