Option 1 - Remain in your current accommodation
Where it is safe and suitable for you to do so we can try to help you remain in your home. This might be through:
- mediation services if you have had a disagreement with your landlord. We can help whether your landlord is a private provider, Housing Association or if you have been living with friends or family.
- helping you with negotiating with your landlord if you have fallen behind with the rent.
Option 2 - Move to alternate accommodation
Although it is usually more expensive than social housing, private rentals can offer flexible housing options, because there is a greater amount of choice. For more information on securing private rented accommodation, please see Citizens Advice or Gov.uk.
What about moving to social housing?
Nearly all social housing is allocated through Devon Home Choice, which is a choice-based lettings allocation scheme operating throughout Devon. You can register online at Devon Home Choice.
The demand for social housing is much greater than the supply in this area, so even if you are a high priority it may take a long time to secure housing. Because of this we encourage all applicants to look at all housing options, including private rental, mutual exchange and shared ownership schemes.
For more information on social housing please visit Gov.uk.
Find out more about Devon Home Choice.
Find out more about Affordable Housing.