Average property prices of £615,448 within Chagford in 2022, increasing from £416,261 in 2021.
The parish has 61 second homes and 15 holiday lets. This equals 7.9% of the dwellings in the parish.
6.8% of homes are 1 bedroom properties, 28.3% are 2 bedrooms, 40.2% are 3 bedrooms, 24.7% are 4 or more.
There are 4 homes within Chagford that are registered as Empty Homes and have been for 2 years or more (council tax data).
Affordable housing
Current stock (approximate):
Live West - 71 current affordable stock
Sovereign - 4 current affordable stock
Sanctuary - 12 current affordable stock
Aster - 28 current affordable stock.
There have been 29 Affordable Housing units available through Devon Home Choice, between January 2019 and January 2023. 1 bed properties received an average of 64 bids per property.
Devon Home Choice
38 applicants registered with a local connection through residence. A further 14 have a local connection through employment or family connection.
The average income of households registered on Devon Home Choice with a local connection to Chagford is £16,660 annually (mean).
Chagford Church of England Primary School
Chagford Church of England Primary School provides for children aged 2 years until 11 years.
The number of children enrolled at the school has increased in recent years.
The percentage of children eligible for Free School Meals has slightly decreased within the same period. This is an indicator of income and affordability of essential provisions.
At present, there have been 2 properties marked for disposal by Live West within the parish this year.
1 x 3 bed house with stair lift and wet room and another 2 bed house.
These properties will be sold on the open market.
Recent development
Chagford Community Land Trust worked with a developer, a housing association and other authorities to deliver the housing at Bellacouch Meadows.
This development provided vital affordable housing units for local people.
The development also comprised of an updated Primary School and Fire Station, as well as some business units.
From the census
17% travel less than 10km to their work place. 44.3% work mainly from home.
49.3% of the parish population are economically active and in employment, 2.1% are unemployed.
48.6% are economically inactive. 48.6% of households owns their home outright, 17.3% own with mortgage or shared ownership, 11.9% are social rented and 22.3%private rent or live rent free.
36.2% of households in the parish are single person households. 40.7% are two people households. These are both above the average for England.