There are three types of low-cost home ownership:
Shared Ownership
- You share ownership of your home with the Housing Association (Registered Provider).
- You pay a mortgage on the percentage that you own.
- You also pay rent to the Housing Association for their percentage - this rent will be higher than social rents, but lower than market rents in the private-rented sector.
- Sometimes you will be able to buy the property outright after a period of time.
- Sometimes the percentage you can buy will be restricted. This makes sure that some properties remain as Affordable Housing for the future.
Equity Loan Schemes
- You own the property, but get financial help through another loan, which is secured on the property.
- This loan is partly funded by the developer and partly by the Government.
- More information is available on GOV.UK.
Right to Buy/Right to acquire
- You must already be renting a house from a Housing Association or the Council.
- Contact your landlord for more information about this option.
Are you interested in one of these schemes?
You must first register your interest with GOV.UK.
For more information, you can contact us by email.