Meeting the housing needs of older people is a key concern for the Council, whatever those needs are.
Sheltered Housing is available, but importantly, there is also support available to enable you to remain in your home if you don't wish to move.
Sheltered Housing
A number of Registered Providers (Housing Associations) provide sheltered housing for rent.
This is accommodation for people aged 60 years and over, or disabled people, that enables you to live independently.
Sheltered housing properties have generally been built for older people and are usually self-contained flats or bungalows. They often have an alarm call system and a Scheme Coordinator (warden).
To apply for sheltered housing you need to register with Devon Home Choice.
Residential Care
If you want to know about residential or nursing care please visit Devon County Council's Residential Homes page.
Help for older people to carry on living independently
Care Direct provides information and help for older people including:
- Advice about alterations and repairs and keeping your home warm and secure;
- Benefit advice;
- The provision of aids, adaptations and home alarm schemes.