In order to maintain the safety and security of people and facilities on site, we operate strict procedures. You must comply with the procedures outlined below.
Please cooperate with any instructions given to you while you are onsite. You should act accordingly to safeguard yourself and others while here.
You should wear your visitors badge at all times. Your host is responsible for you and highlighting any exits or specific information to you based on the where you are working.
Our visitor login procedure will message you, via text or email depending on contact details provided, at your proposed check out time and you can extend your time onsite if necessary.
Emergency Procedures
If you see a fire:
- Break the nearest red break glass call point located by each storey exit.
- Vacate the building by the nearest safe exit.
- Proceed to the assembly point. This is near the entrance to the site indicated by a green assembly point sign.
- Give your name to the fire marshal in charge or a dedicated fire warden and say you are a Visitor.
- If outside of normal working hours call 999 and ask for the Fire Brigade.
The fire alarm is a continuously sounded siren. It is tested each week on Mondays at 9.30am.
General Rules
Smoking and vaping are not permitted on site please use the cycle path.
Contractors must wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) specific to the work being carried out at all times.
Specific Rules for Contactors
- You must make an appointment before you visit.
- You must sign in at the Facilities office and sign out again when you leave.
- Please wear your visitors badge at all times while on the premises. You must hand it back to Facilities when you leave.
- Do not enter restricted areas unless you are accompanied by a member of staff.
- You must follow the instructions and advice of your host or point of contact at all times.
- You must provide evidence of your liability insurance, which must be suitable for the task you are carrying out.
Before starting work
Access to Kilworthy Park is controlled by security card. You will need a card to move about the building.
To gain entry to the building and be issued with your ID badge, please call your contact in Facilities and you will be let in.
At the end of the day, please return your card to Facilities and sign out.
Method statements and working
These must be approved by Facilities before you start work. Please submit method statements and risk assessments to your point of contact as soon as possible.
Any contractor working on site must follow the HSE guidance on the safe use of ladders.
Contractors must not leave waste materials on site. Waste may not be disposed of in the South Hams District Council bins and skips unless authorised by the Facilities Team
All work areas must be left neat, safe and tidy each day.
Any operating equipment must only be used by a trained and competent person.
West Devon Borough Council is not responsible for the loss or damage to any equipment used by a contractor.