Organisational Information, Locations and Contacts, Constitutional and Legal Governance.
The scheme commits us:
- to proactively publish or make available information, including environmental information, which is held by the Council and falls within the classifications below;
- to review and update this information on a regular basis;
- to produce a schedule of any fees charged for access to this information.
The classes of information will not generally include:
- information which is prevented from being disclosed by law, or exempt under the Freedom of Information Act, or is otherwise protected from disclosure;
- information in draft form;
- information that's no longer readily available or difficult to access as it's contained in archived files.
Who we are and what we do
What we spend and how we spend it
Financial information relating to income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.
- Financial statements, budgets and variance reports
- Capital Strategy Report (under Treasury Management)
- Financial audit reports
- Councillor Allowance Scheme
- Procurement procedures (Contracts Procedure Rules under part 4 of the constitution)
- Details of contracts currently being tendered
- Current South Hams and West Devon Contracts Register
- Community Grants and Funding
- Internal financial regulations (Financial Procedure Rules under part 4 of the constitution)
- Funding for partnership arrangements
- Treasury Management
- Annual Accounts
Our priorities and performance
Strategy and Performance Information, Plans, Assessments, Inspections and Reviews.
How we make decisions
Policy Proposals and Decisions, Internal Procedures and Consultations.
Policies and procedures
Written protocols explaining how we deliver our functions and responsibilities.
Lists and registers
Lists and registers held or maintained by the Council.
Services we offer
Advice and guidance, booklets and leaflets, transactions and media releases.
- Information for visitors - Visit South Devon
- Information for visitors - Visit Devon
- Newsletters
- Media releases
Charging for information
Charges which may be made for information published under this scheme.
The purpose of this scheme is to make the maximum amount of information readily available at minimum inconvenience and cost to the public. Charges made by the authority for routinely published material will be justified and transparent and kept to a minimum.
Material which is published and accessed on a website will be provided free of charge.
Charges may be made for information subject to a charging regime specified by Parliament.
Charges may be made for actual disbursements incurred such as:
- photocopying
- postage and packaging
- the costs directly incurred as a result of viewing information
Charges may also be made for making datasets (or parts of datasets) that are relevant copyright works available for re-use. These charges will be in accordance with the terms of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015, where they apply, or with regulations made under section 11B of the Freedom of Information Act, or with other statutory powers of the public authority.
If a charge is to be made, confirmation of the payment due will be given before the information is provided. Payment may be requested prior to provision of the information.