ICT Freedom of Information Requests. Please check if your query has already been answered before submitting a request under the FOI Act.

We regularly receive requests for information about ICT under the Freedom of Information Act. Please see below for answers to some of the most commonly-asked enquiries.


General and Budget Enquiries


Query Answer
How many employees are working in the council? Approximately 475
IT function? Our IT function is in-house
What is the total number of IT staff employed by the organisation? 15
Do you have a managed/shared service with any other councils? West Devon Borough Council share services with South Hams District Council.
Who is Head of IT? Jason Higgs, +44 1803 861180, Jason.higgs@swdevon.gov.uk
Do you have a digital workplace strategy No
Number of virtualised servers? 150
Which Virtualisation platform do you use? Hyper-V
Do you have a cloud strategy? No
Are you actively moving any applications/infrastructure into a cloud environment? No
 Do you use Azure or Amazon Web Services? Yes - Azure
Which IT re-sellers do you work with and buy from, and frameworks utilised?



What is your annual IT budget? £1.2m
Do you normally purchase equipment and services as a capital investment (Cap-Ex) or ongoing operational charges (Opex)? Both
What is your annual Intranet budget? Zero
What is your current Intranet solution? Sharepoint
When did you first start to use it? Approximately 2022
Do you use Open Source applications, such as Drupal or WordPress? Yes - Sharepoint and Drupal
Who is responsible for managing your Intranet? Communications
Who is responsible for the procurement of your Intranet? N/A

Contact Details

Responsible Officer:
Jason Higgs, Head of IT Practice, +44 1803 861180, Jason.higgs@swdevon.gov.uk


As we share services between South Hams and West Devon, the following information is for both authorities as a unit (unless otherwise specified).

Query Answer
What storage vendor and models do you currently use?


What were the installation dates of the above storage vendor?


When is your planned (or estimated) storage refresh date?

None planned

Do you have any extended warranties?


What is your estimated budget for the server refresh?


What is the capacity of the storage data in TB & how much of this is utilised?

50 TB

What server vendor and models do you currently use?


What were the installation dates of the above server vendor?


When is your planned (or estimated) server refresh date?

None planned

Do you have any extended warranties?


What is your estimated budget for the server refresh?


Which operating systems are used?


Number of Physical servers?


What network vendor and models do you currently use?


What were the installation dates of the above network vendor?


When is your planned (or estimated) Network refresh date?

None planned

Do you have any extended warranties?


What is your estimated budget for the Network refresh?


What network architecture is currently used?


Questions related to the Local Area Network (LAN) environment: Contract type?

Self managed and maintained in-house

Questions related to the Local Area Network (LAN) environment: Hardware Brand?

Switches are a mixture of Dell and UniFi

Questions related to the Local Area Network (LAN) environment: Annual Spend (average) for each supplier?

Approx. £2,000 for Dell, £4,000 for UniFi

Questions related to the Local Area Network (LAN) environment: Number of Users?

Approx 450

Questions related to the Local Area Network (LAN) environment: Number of Sites?

Where equipment is supported by each contract - 2

Responsible officer?

Shane Carpenter, ICT Senior Specialist, 


When did you install your current Wi-Fi environment?


What security solutions are being utilised?

Firewalls, Anti-virus, Mail filters, Web filters

End User Devices  
How many desktops/laptops are deployed by the Council?


How many mobile devices (Phones & tablets etc.) are deployed by the council?


What were the installation dates of the above desktop/laptops?


When is your planned (or estimated) desktop/laptop refresh date?


Backup, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity  
What device/system do you use for your daily backups?


What backup software do you use?


How much data do you back up, in TB?

Weekly Tape backup is approx. 22 TB

Do you use a third party to provide a Business Continuity service?


Does your current recovery solution meet your stakeholder's expectations?


Do you already backup into the cloud?


Do you have a documented disaster recovery & business continuity plan in place?


Asset Disposal  
Do you have contract for IT asset disposal?


Who is responsible for your IT Asset disposal?

Mike Ward - Head of IT Practice

Photocopiers/MFDs (Multi-Functional Device)/Printers

We only have MFDs, so answers given are for MFDs

Please name all of the IT resellers that you have contacts with and buy from


What is the length of the contracts with the named IT resellers above

3-5 years

How many devices do you have in operation?


Which is the brand name of the devices?

Ricoh and Brother

Please provide the following details on how these were procured: Procurement method


If Framework, which one?


What is your annual print/copy volume and spend?

South Hams

Printer rental: £9,021.32

Print/copy volume: 433276

Spend on print/copies: £4,700.10

West Devon

Printer rental: £638.32

Print/copy volume: 5842

Spend on print/copies: £85.89

Who is the person within your organisation responsible for these contracts?

Neil Hawke, Head of Strategy and Projects, 



Telecommunications Contracts

Query Answer
Contract type (Maintenance, Managed, Shared): Maintenance
Existing provider: Netcall
Annual average spend (over the past 3 years): Netcall - £10,768
Number of telephone users: Approx 450
Primary hardware brand: Microsoft Teams
Application(s) running on PBX/VOIP systems: Microsoft Teams

Netcall Liberty Converse
Telephone system type: Microsoft Teams with a Gamma SIP connection
Number of lines: SIP - 70 connections
Contract duration: Netcall - renewed annually
Contract expiry date: Rolling contracts
Contract review date: N/A
Contract description: Gamma - SIP telephony connection

NexusOS - Legacy Skype and Teams platform UC support and monitoring

Netcall - Liberty platform and software support
How were these services procured? Three quotes through supplier chain
Mobile Phones  
Network provider(s): EE

Annual average spend: EE - £41,500

O2 - £4,600
Number of connections: EE - 247 devices (voice and data)

O2 - 79 devices (data only)
Contract duration, start/expiry date: We purchase new connections as and when needed so we have multiple start dates and end dates for each supplier.

We can add/remove sims on a 30-day contract with all EE device using a shared data pool
Contract review date: None planned until at least 2027
Fixed broadband provider(s): Virgin Media


Annual average spend: Virgin Media - £11,880

BT - £8,259

KCOM - £3,708.96
Contract duration: Virgin Media - 3 year contract

BT - 3 year contract

KCOM - Rolling contract
Contract renewal date: Virgin Media - June 2024

BT - July 2024

KCOM - N/A (rolling contract)
WAN provider: Updata
Annual average spend: £23,000
Number of sites covered: Two
Contract duration: 1-year contract
Contract renewal date: June 2024
Contract description: Devon WAN 500Mbs connection between Follaton House and Kilworthy Park


Query Answer
Software: Liberty Create
Supplier: Netcall
Current version:  
Hosting: SaaS
Contract duration: 1 year (annual contract)
Contract purchase/start date: 03/02/2024
Contract renewal/expiry date: 02/02/2025
Annual cost of support and maintenance: £85,000
Licence: Enterprise Licence
Software: Civica Financials
Supplier: Civica
Current version: 17.0
Hosting: On Premise
Contract duration: 5 years
Contract purchase/start date: 31/3/2023
Contract renewal/expiry date: 30/10/2028
Annual cost of support and maintenance: £157,199
Licence: Enterprise Licence
Software: iTrent
Supplier: MHR
Current version: 10.46.01
Hosting: On Premise
Contract duration: Quarterly charges
Contract purchase/start date: 27/02/2023
Contract renewal/expiry date: Rolling contract
Annual cost of support and maintenance: £5,542
Software: MHR
Supplier: MHR
Current version: N/A
Hosting: On Premise
Contract duration: Quarterly charges
Contract purchase/start date: 27/02/2023
Contract renewal/expiry date: Rolling contract
Annual cost of support and maintenance: £5,542
ICT Service Management  
Software: Halo ITSM
Supplier: Halo
Hosting: SaaS
Contract purchase/start date: 01/08/2023
Contract renewal/expiry date: 31/07/2026
Annual cost of support and maintenance: £12,420.00
Supplier: Def
Contract duration: 3 years
Contract purchase/start date: 01/04/2023
Contract renewal/expiry date: 31/03/2026
Annual cost of support and maintenance: Year 1 - £81,012.00 + onboarding costs
Year 2 - £84,252.80
Year 3 - £87,622.60
Contact Centre  
Do you have a customer-facing contact centre? Yes
Do you employ and manage your own agents, or do you outsource to a third party? Employ and manage own agents
How many contact centre agents do you have? Approximately 15 full time employees
Do agents work from home or just your offices? Work form home and from the office
Please confirm the manufacturer of your contact centre system(s) that are currently in place Netcall
When is your contract renewal date? 1 April 2029
Who maintains your contact centre system? In-house and Netcall
Do you use a CRM in the contact centre? What platform is used? In house created software utilising low-code solution Liberty Create
Do you use the same CRM for the rest of the organisation? Yes
Do you use a knowledge base/knowledge management platform? No
AI and Automation  
Does your organisation have a customer-facing chatbot? Yes
If so, who provides this chatbot technology? Netcall, Liberty Connect
Does your organisation utilise RPA technology? If so, which? Yes, Netcall RPA
Other Systems  
Budgeting and forecasting system? We don't really have this (please refer to 1. CRM above)
Online procurement or EMarketplace system? Bramblehub
Business Process (BPM) outsourced to a third party supplier? No
Do you use or are you planning to use MS O365? Yes
If applicable, how many people are using Office 365? 522
Do you use any SaaS (Software as a service) applications? Yes
Software Asset Management  
Do you use a software asset management and/or software inventory tool? Yes
If so which ones? SCCM
Do you have a Software Asset Management Policy? No
How much did you pay in the last financial year for software licences? £750k
Do you currently measure software usage versus the number of licences purchased? Yes
Who is responsible for your Software Asset Management? Mike Ward - Head of IT Practice
Performance Management  
Software: Pentana RPM
Hosting: Off the shelf application
Responsible contract officer: Assistant Director of Strategy and Organisational Development
Microsoft Enterprise Agreement  
Software: Microsoft Office and other products - See table below
Supplier: Phoenix
Current version: See table below
Contract duration: 3 years
Contract purchase/start date: August 2023
Contract renewal/expiry date: August 2026
Annual cost of support and maintenance: £165,779.70
Number of licences: See table below
Responsible contract officer: Shane Carpenter, ICT Senior Specialist, Shane.Carpenter@swdevon.gov.uk

Product Quantity
Enterprise Mobility + Security E3 73
Enterprise Mobility + Security E5 544
Microsoft 365 Audio Conferencing 1
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint P1 72
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint P2 471
Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account 49
Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro 7
Microsoft Teams Shared Devices 4
Office 365 E1 1
Office 365 E3 73
Office 365 E5 472
Project Standard ALng LSA 9
SQL Server Standard Core ALng LSA 2L 10
Visio Plan 1 5
Win Remote Desktop Services CAL ALng LSA UCAL 170
Win Server DC Core ALng LSA 16L 8
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E3 72
Windows 10/11 Enterprise E5 471


Query Answer
Standard Firewall (Network)  
Supplier: Nouveau
Primary brand: Withheld for security purposes
Contract duration: 1 year
Contract purchase/start date: March 2023
Contract renewal/expiry date: March 2024
Annual average spend: £17,614.48
Description of services: Firewall maintenance renewals
Anti-virus Software  
Supplier: Software Box
Primary brand: Withheld for security purposes
Contract duration: 2 years
Contract purchase/start date: 20/01/2024
Contract renewal/expiry date: 20/01/2026
Annual average spend: £10,020
Description of services: Software renewal only


5G and Smart City Plans

The following is a response to the questions listed on the 'SaveUsNow' website.

Query Answer
Do you have a 5G strategy?


I request the name/s of the Officer/s in charge of the 5G strategy and roll out for 5G and Smart Cities.

We have no Officers in charge of (or working on) the 5G strategy and roll out for 5G and Smart Cities.

Are you in talks with any experts, companies or entities about autonomous vehicles (AV) for Public Transport and/or private use on Public Highways?

No. We are not the Community Transport Provider for this area.

Please contact Devon County Council for information on AVs for Public Transport.

Do you have a strategy for Smart Roads and Smart Signage on Public Highways and Public Spaces?

We have no Smart Signage in Public Spaces.

We are not the Highways Authority for this area. Please contact Devon County Council for information on Smart Roads/Signage on Public Highways.

Are you planning to roll out or have rolled out LED street lighting?

We are not the Highways Authority for this area.

Please contact Devon County Council for information on LED Street Lighting.

Where do you have 3G and 4G systems in Public Spaces and Public Roads?

We have no 3G or 4G systems in Public Spaces.

We are not the Highways Authority for this area. Please contact Devon County Council for information on 3G/4G on Public Roads.