Every month, the Council receives a number of Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests regarding the grants which were paid to businesses in our area during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A wide range of grants were available at various times, for different businesses. Each grant paid out different amounts, depending on the Rateable Value (RV) of the business.
Certain grants were only available to specific businesses - for example pubs and holiday accommodation, or market traders. Others were paid to businesses that were severely impacted by the restrictions, but not legally required to close.
We have created a list of the different grants that were available at different times, including:
- The name of the grant
- Eligible businesses
- Value of the grant
This page also includes the number of applications that were received and the average time it took to complete the processing.
The full details of the grants paid can be downloaded as an .xlsx spreadsheet.
Names and addresses of businesses have not been published. They are deemed to be exempt from disclosure under Section 31(1)(a) Prejudice the prevention and detection of crime and Section 40(2) Third party data of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.