Car Parking Accounts

Information about car parking, income and expenditure is published on this page.

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Information about car parking, income and expenditure is published on this page. Please click on the link for the year below.

The difference between the income and expenditure is used to support costs associated with the operation and maintenance of parking services, its infrastructure and the maintenance of off street car parks.

It is also used to support and provide other Council services such as public toilets, street cleansing, parks and open spaces and other lawfully incurred identified expenditure.

Figures exclude notional charges such as capital costs and pension fund adjustments.

West Devon Borough Council does not operate on-street parking as this is provided by Devon County Council.

A copy of the Council's Audited Statement of Accounts for each year is available on our website.

Car Parking Accounts


Account Expenditure - Description 2022-23 Actual Spend
Salaries 194,795
Property - repairs and maintenance (see note below) 11,065
Property - Utilities 25,074
Property - Rates 124,634
Property - Insurance 3,920
Vehicle costs 6,867
Vehicle hire 13,315
Grounds Maintenance 36,164
Supplies and Services 86,598
Transport depot 658
Third Party Payments 97,342
Total 600,432
Income Description 2022-23 Actual Spend
Fees and Charges 0
Car Parks - Daily Income -867,621
Car Parks - Permits -25,967
Car Parks - Fines -102,798
Other Income -25,495
Total -1,021,881
Net Total -421,449
Recharges Description 2022-23 Actual
Support Services and Central Overhead Costs 133,758
Total 133,758
Gross Total -287,691

The difference between the income and expenditure is used to support costs associated with the operation and maintenance of parking services, its infrastructure and the maintenance of off street car parks. It is also used to support and provide other Council services such as public toilets, street cleansing, parks and open spaces and other lawfully incurred identified expenditure. Figures exclude notional charges such as capital costs and pension fund expenditure.

Note: West Devon Borough Council does not operate on-street parking as this is provided by Devon County Council.

A copy of the Council’s recent Audited Statement of Accounts is available here.



Account Expenditure - Description 2021-22 Actual Spend
Salaries £212,826.00
Property - repairs and maintenance (see note below) £9,432.00
Property - Utilities £11,811.00
Property - Rates £125,278.00
Property - Insurance £3,915.00
Vehicle costs £5,062.00
Vehicle hire £6,042.00
Grounds Maintenance £25,992.00
Supplies and Services £69,425.00
Transport depot £-1,006.00
Third Party Payments £82,050.00
Total £550,527.00
Income Description 2021-22 Actual Spend
Fees and Charges £-0.00
Car Parks - Daily Income £-866,340.00
Car Parks - Permits £-24,108.00
Car Parks - Fines £-33,866.00
Other Income £-22,399.00
Total £-946.713.00
Net Total £-395,886.00
Recharges Description 2021-22 Actual
Support Services and Central Overhead Costs £117,578.00
Total £117,578.00
Gross Total £-278,308.00


Account Expenditure Description 2020-21 Actual spend
Salaries £120,359.00
Property - repairs and maintenance (see note below) £15,877.00
Property - Utilities £9,822.00
Property - Rates £125,934.00
Property - Insurance £3,771.00
Vehicle costs £2,528.00
Vehicle hire £3,424.00
Grounds Maintenance £24,198.00
Supplies and Services £47,861.00
Transport depot £769.00
Third Party Payments £117,954.00
Total £472,497.00
Income Description 2020-21 Actual
Fees and Charges £0.00
Car Parks - Daily Income £-441,560.00
Car Parks - Permits £-17,221.00
Car Parks - Fines £-43,067.00
Other Income £-23,967.00
Total £-525,816.00
Net Total £-53,319.00
Recharges Description 2020-21 Actual (£)
Support Services and Central Overhead Costs £82,606.00
Total £82,606.00
Gross Total £29,287.00


Account Expenditure Description 2019-20 Actual spend
Salaries £191,428.00
Property - repairs and maintenance (see note below) £12,016.00
Property - Utilities £9,818.00
Property - Rates £130,921.00
Property - Insurance £3,789.00
Vehicle costs £5,620.00
Vehicle hire £2,668.00
Grounds Maintenance £23,162.00
Supplies and Services £46,980.00
Transport depot £2,633.00
Third Party Payments £135,780.00
Total £564,815.00
Income Description 2019-20 Actual
Fees and Charges £-52.00
Car Parks - Daily Income £-963,787.00
Car Parks - Permits £-15,953.00
Car Parks - Fines £-76,875.00
Other Income £-39,018.00
Total £-1,095,685.00
Net Total £530,870.00
Recharges Description 2019-20 Actual
Support Services and Central Overhead Costs £108,301.00
Total £108,301.00
Gross Total £-422,569.00


Account Expenditure Description 2018-19 Actual spend
Salaries £154,101.00
Property - repairs and maintenance (see note below) £16,557.00
Property - Utilities £9,077.00
Property - Rates £129,851.00
Property - Insurance £4,948.00
Transport - Depot £6,799.00
Landscape Maintenance £25,471.00
Supplies and Services £43,593.00
Third Party Payments £141,125.00
Total £531,522.00
Income Description 2018-19 Actual
Fees and Charges £-5,031.00
Car Parks - Daily Income £-951,228.00
Car Parks - Permits £-14,817.00
Car Parks - Fines £-84,845.00
Other Income £-23,486.00
Total £-1,079,407.00
Net Total £-547,885.00
Recharges Description 2018-19 Actual
Support Services and Central Overhead Costs £117,579.00
Total £117,579.00
Gross Total £-430,306.00


Account Expenditure Description 2017-2018 Actual spend
Salaries £160,094.00
Property - repairs and maintenance (see note below) £27,566.00
Property - Utilities £7,777.00
Property - Rates £121,905.00
Property - Insurance £5,677.00
Transport - Depot £4,911.00
Transport - Vehicle Hire and Operating leases £3,067.00
Landscape Maintenance £25,980.00
Supplies and Services £101,202.00
Third Party Payments £150,793.00
Total £608,972.00
Income Description 2017-18 Actual 
Fees and Charges £-6,215.00
Car Parks - Daily Income £-869,105.00
Car Parks - Permits £-12,497.00
Car Parks - Fines £-86,720.00
Other Income £-36,523.00
Total £-1,011,060.00
Net Total £-402,088.00
Recharges Description 2017-18 Actual (£)
Support Services and Central Overhead Costs £106,504.00
Total £106,504.00
Gross Total £-295,584.00