Privacy Notice - Duty Planner Services

Processing your information

In order to deal with your general enquiry we will need to obtain some information from you to establish how we can help you and what advice to give.

Purpose of Processing

Your information will be used by  West Devon Borough Council in dealing with your general planning enquiry. (This does not include representations on existing applications).

Your information will be used to contact you with advice and guidance in relation to your question by the Planning Services department.

The Data Controller

West Devon Borough Council,
Kilworthy Park,
Drake Road,
PL19 0BZ

The Data Processor

West Devon Borough Council,
Kilworthy Park,
Drake Road,
PL19 0BZ

Data Protection Officer

The Council has a duty to appoint a Data Protection Officer. The Council's nominated Data Protection Officer is Drew Powell.

West Devon Borough Council
Kilworthy Park
Drake Road
PL19 0BZ

If you have any queries, would like to exercise your rights or make a complaint, contact the Data Protection Officer by

  • Email
  • telephone 01822 813600 or
  • write to them at the address above

Information Security and Data Sharing

Your information is stored securely and not shared with any other services without your verbal or written permission.

Accuracy of Information

We will process the information given at the time of your enquiry.


Once your enquiry has been dealt with, your personal information is held for 6 months and then automatically deleted in a secure manner.

Transferring Data outside the EU

Your information will not be transferred outside the EU.

Individual Rights

You have certain rights under the Data protection Act and the EU General Data protection Regulations (GDPR). These can be found on the ICO website

If you are not happy with how we have handled your complaint, you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner's Office to make a complaint about what we do with your information:

  • Telephone them on 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number
  • Visit their website
  • Write to them at
    Information Commissioner's Office
    Wycliffe House
    Water Lane
    SK9 5AF