Disabled Access - Think about the layout of your tables and chairs, especially when placing them on the highway. Think about access to your business for less able people, or those with mobility problems. Seek advice from specialist bodies or groups if you are unsure what to do. For example, if your staff are wearing masks this may impact on your customers who are hard of hearing or who lip read. Think about how you address this, so your business is accessible to all.
Fire Safety - Are your tables and chairs blocking a fire escape route, either yours or your neighbours? You will need to revise your Fire Safety Risk Assessment as part of your plans.
Toilets - Where will your customers go to the toilet? Make sure toilets are part of your risk assessment and measures you take to ensure your business is 'Covid Secure'. Your neighbours and the Council will need to be reassured that the answer isn't ever going to be 'neighbours gardens, the sea, the park, the hedge etc.'
Litter - Put into place arrangement to pick up all the litter in the neighbouring area. This should be done when you close and not left until the next day. We advise you to do this even if it isn't your litter. Be a good neighbour. Also think about the bins you will need and where you will put them. Your plan must not be that your customers will use the Council waste bins in public spaces either.
Dog Mess - Think about how you will ensure that your customers' dogs don't leave mess behind. If they don't pick it up, you must do so.
Smoking - Most people don't smoke or enjoy the smell of other people's smoke especially when eating. Your neighbours will not appreciate your customers smoke either. Therefore make sure your plans consider what you will do about your customers who smoke.
Noise and Anti-Social Behaviour - Think about how you will control noise from both your business and your customers. You should also think about others who are attracted to the area because your business is open.
Members of the public will not differentiate between people that are your customers and those that aren't. So even though you may think it isn't your responsibility to control other people's behaviour, the fact that you are open and attracting people to an area may make it so.
If you have concerns or want advice about how to deal with Anti-Social Behaviour please contact Neighbourhood Police Team or the Council's Environmental Health Team