If you get into payment difficulties and you cannot afford your payments you should contact Council Tax team as soon as possible.
We may be able to help you by making a different payment arrangement.
Listed below are the different stages in the recovery process and an explanation of what each stage means for you as a Council Tax payer:
1. Bill
Why is it sent? The bill will show how much Council Tax you owe for the year, the amount of each instalment and the due date. They are normally sent at the start of the financial year, or if your Council Tax bill alters during the year. Council Tax is normally payable over ten instalments. However, Council Tax payers can request to pay in twelve monthly instalments.
What should I do? Pay the instalments before the due dates as the payment is due on your account by the instalment date.
What if I cannot pay as billed? Pay as much as possible as regularly as possible. If you are paying less than the due amount or paying after the due date then you will receive further notices. You should contact us to discuss your account if you know you have fallen behind with your payments. You can use the form below to get in touch
Contact the Council Tax Team
2. First or second reminder
Why is it sent? This is sent because our records show that you have fallen behind with your payments. This usually means you have not paid an instalment on time or that you paid less than you should have done.
What should I do? You should bring your account back up to date within the specified time. If an account is brought back up to date and kept up to date, no further letters will be sent.
What if I cannot do this? If you do not bring your payments up to date you will lose your right to pay by instalments. No further reminders will be issued and the next document you receive will be a court summons for the full balance on your account. Court costs will be incurred at this stage.
If you are unable to pay as required you must contact the Council Tax team immediately. It may be possible to agree an arrangement which avoids the need to take further recovery action. This is as long as you keep up-to-date with the payments.
3. Final notice
Why is it sent? This is normally if you have had a first and second reminder, brought your account up-to-date, then fallen behind again. This letter will not be asking for the instalments that have been missed. This letter will cancel your right to pay by instalments. You will be asked to pay the remaining balance on your account in full.
What should I do? You must pay the balance on your account in full within the specified time. If you pay the account in full you will not be sent any more letters.
What if I cannot do this? If you do not pay the account in full you will be sent a Magistrates' Court Summons. If you cannot pay in full, you should pay as much as you can, regularly. The Council Tax team will not re-instate instalments, unless there are exceptional circumstances. You should contact us to discuss your account. We may be able to make an arrangement that avoids the need to take further recovery action. This is as long as you keep up-to-date with the payments.
Contact the Council Tax Team