FAQs for Lottery Players

Frequently asked questions for Lottery Players.

Where can I buy tickets?

Lotto tickets can only be purchased online, using a bank account or payment card.

SeaMoor Lotto

When did the lottery launch?

The lottery had its first draw on Sat 4 August 2018. From then on, draws take place weekly.

Good causes and charities can apply to be part of the lotto via the website. You can apply to be part of the lotto at any time.

How do winners find out that they've won?

All winners will be advised by e-mail.

I want a refund or have questions about the lotto?

Go to: www.seamoorlotto.co.uk

Email support@seamoorlotto.co.uk

Phone 03302 234225 (Only between 9 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. Mon - Fri excluding Bank Holidays).

Do not contact the council directly as they cannot help.

Can someone still play if they are not online?

Yes. Players can call the dedicated SeaMoor Lotto number - (03302 234225) - to register and set up payments.

If my good cause gets 50p per entry, where does the other 50p go?

10p is used to support other good causes within South Hams and West Devon. 20p goes to prizes and the remaining 20p is for administration of the lottery and VAT.

Can supporters use Gift Aid on the ticket price?

Unfortunately you cannot claim Gift Aid on lottery ticket purchases.