Borough Council scraps Council Tax for young care leavers

West Devon Borough Council has agreed to scrap Council Tax for young people who have left the care system until they turn 25.

The move is designed to help care leavers make the transition to adulthood, offering a form of financial assistance that other young people may get through help from their parents.

They are considered a particularly vulnerable group for Council Tax debt, as they manage their finances for the first time, without the family support and wider network that many young people can rely on.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Mandy Ewings, said: “This is a scheme endorsed by the entire Council, across the political spectrum.

“We want to do whatever we can to support those in our community who are leaving care. This is an important step in doing that. We are looking at other ways to support care leavers, through housing and apprenticeships.

“This Council Tax discount should help young people leaving care live the lives that they want to live.”

The scheme will become effective immediately. Councillors agreed to give the 100% discount to care leavers at their Full Council meeting on Tuesday (3 October). The discount will only apply to care leavers living in Devon. The County Council will cover the cost for those living outside of the county.